Last weekend Gen volunteered us to clean up Hamarikyu Gardens. They had volunteers from four companies; we met at the Gardens on Saturday morning and got to work. The first thing we had to do was remove these straw thingies from the trunks of the trees. They're put there for the winter. I have no idea what purpose they serve- something was lost in the translation.

After the straw thingie was removed, we had to kill any bugs that had been nesting under it. I say "we," I really mean Gen. He had a good time poking at the spiders. After we finished with this, we had to pull up the crabgrass. Now, I didn't mind the tree work but I maybe complained a little about pulling up the weeds. But it was only for an hour. Gen also had a good time with the weeds because he found the biggest worm that has ever existed. It was disgusting.

After we finished with the weeds, we got a private tour of the gardens. There is always something blooming in these gardens, no matter what season. They have a cherry tree grove that should be really pretty in the spring. I don't know what the flowers above are called, but they smelled great. Our tour guide said that in the Meiji era, oil was extracted from these flowers but now they're just pretty.

The shoguns used to congregate in this park and duck hunt. They built narrow inlets so the ducks would get cornered, then caught them with nets.

A flowering plum tree with the Conrad Hotel in the background. The park is near Ginza, so there are a lot of ritzy buildings around. We passed the Panasonic headquarters on our way to lunch.
These are wonderful picturesof the flowers and trees with all looking so pretty. It looks cold there. I think a nice coat with pink hearts might be in order.