Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Takaosan Round Two

Since the leaves weren't in full color last time we went to Mt. Takao, Gen and I decided to go again. It was a good plan. This is the first thing you see when you exit the station.
The colors of the Japanese maples were just brilliant.
It was super-crowded. We had to stand in line for about a half-hour for the cable car, so I took a lot of pictures of the surrounding foliage.
This is totally out of order- this was up on the summit. Gen saw one group of girls picnicking and they had brought at least 6 bottles of wine. For 5 girls! And he said 5 were empty. Hard core. I don't know how they made it back down the mountain after that.
This was also at the beginning, near the train station.
I should be a professional photographer.

Gen actually took the one above. I had to relinquish the camera because I was sure I was about to tumble to my death, and I prefer to have both hands when I careen off the side of a mountain. See, Path 1 is wide and paved. But we had a genius idea to try Path 4, because there is a suspended bridge that looked cool on the map. However, Path 4 is neither wide nor paved, nor are there any guard rails to prevent me from falling to my death. I am a teeny bit afraid of heights. Right before that picture was taken, I was paralyzed with fear. Gen heard me whimpering and came back for me. What a gentleman.
See. totally out of order. This was the cable car. Gen said it was much better than hiking up the first half of the mountain (that's what he and Kris did last time).
Gen standing in line for the cable car.
Me on the infamous suspended bridge. I don't know why we never remember that I'm afraid of heights, mountains especially. We continually make these ill-fated forays into hiking.
Good light on that one. I can't take credit- Gen had the camera at this point too.

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