The colors of the Japanese maples were just brilliant.
It was super-crowded. We had to stand in line for about a half-hour for the cable car, so I took a lot of pictures of the surrounding foliage.
This is totally out of order- this was up on the summit. Gen saw one group of girls picnicking and they had brought at least 6 bottles of wine. For 5 girls! And he said 5 were empty. Hard core. I don't know how they made it back down the mountain after that.
This was also at the beginning, near the train station.
I should be a professional photographer.
Gen actually took the one above. I had to relinquish the camera because I was sure I was about to tumble to my death, and I prefer to have both hands when I careen off the side of a mountain. See, Path 1 is wide and paved. But we had a genius idea to try Path 4, because there is a suspended bridge that looked cool on the map. However, Path 4 is neither wide nor paved, nor are there any guard rails to prevent me from falling to my death. I am a teeny bit afraid of heights. Right before that picture was taken, I was paralyzed with fear. Gen heard me whimpering and came back for me. What a gentleman.